Business Financial Management

Ideal Time To Just Ask For A Discount

A person was telling me today that he was shopping around for some items at an electronic store and one thing he didn’t want to do was to pay the full retail price for it. It was a semi pricey item too at about $350. Literally, all he did was go up to the sales

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Financial Management

Calculating Free Point Rewards In Price Comparisons

Earlier today I walked into this supermarket and there were a whole whack of advertisements in its store flyers saying how you can get so many free stuff by earning points on your purchases. Interestingly enough, the person I was with seemed very enthusiastic about this offer and had the mindset that he would save

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Business Financial Management General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Canada Boxing Day 2008 Experience And Savings

Like a lot of other Canadians today I was planning to shop today to save money on items that I have either held off from buying or if I see a great deal for something that I had use for. The main focus though was completing present purchases as mentioned before I usually leave the

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Canada Boxing Day Sales And The Best Stores So Far

It’s Christmas eve and since I will have no time on Christmas to look for ways to save money for the upcoming boxing day I usually do it today as most companies release its deals today. Overall the deals aren’t too great this year as I guess this whole recession thing has really killed a

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Being Each Other’s Shoppers

One thing that is definitely helpful especially during these holiday times is having friends or family members that all shop in different areas of the city while keeping an eye out for items that others may need. As a result, it’s not uncommon to find better deals this way and people can buy things for

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Business Financial Management

Looking For Lowest Price Guarantees

One thing that a lot of people do, especially during this time of the year, is taking advantage of price matching guarantees that companies offer. While many simply agree to match the prices of its competitor’s prices if you find it cheaper, others are willing to give you an extra discount such as an extra

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