Financial Management

Cereal For Dinner On a Budget

At first I was wondering if this was a joke of sort. But apparently it was a real comment from the CEO of Kellogg where the suggestion for families struggling financially was to eat cereal for dinner. That would definitely be in that company’s best interest of course, but that doesn’t sound like a good

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Financial Management

Paying More For Pure Food or Saving Money With Artificial

I was thinking of buying some jam today and there appeared to be some on sale. It seemed like an okay price for a brand that advertising itself as having more pure fruit as the price is usually over six dollars but was now on sale for about $4.50. As usual though, I usually have

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Financial Management

Giving Up Your Pet To Maintain Financial Stability

With a lot of people finding themselves in a tighter financial situation it as kind of interesting to hear how some people were suggesting that pet owners need to simply part ways with their pets as a sacrifice of sort to get through harder financial times such as with an increase in taxes or necessities.

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Financial Management

Spending More or Less Being Close To A Gift Budget

So for one person’s gift I was thinking of just buying a gift card for their video game system as they can simply get whatever they want that way. I was thinking $35 would be adequate for the gift since this is for a child but it seemed like that amount wasn’t immediately available. All

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Opting For High End Products Due To Availability

Computer parts at the moment seem to be very scarce where because of this people are buying them simply to resell to others in order to make a profit. It’s gotten so bad that there are actually literally bot programs that go around the Internet and simply buy up stock whenever it become available to

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Financial Management

Emergency Phone Hardware Replacement or Repair Budget

My smartphone is pretty much reaching to the end of its life as I am still using a Samsung Galaxy S7 which is virtually four years old. I recently decided to get the battery replaced to try and prolong it more where the shop didn’t do too good of a job. Today it was raining

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