General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Buying Things Simply To Be Complete

Over the weekend I was talking to a person who was looking to buy a GPS device of some sort for his car. He mentioned that he didn’t really need it but felt that it would make his car complete and may be useful in the future. I used to do things like that when

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Financial Management

Buying Gifts After Christmas

I was talking to a person before who mentioned that for all his friends and family members, he buys them their gifts after Christmas which they don’t mind. Reason being is that around that time things are usually a lot cheaper due to companies attempting to get rid of its excess inventory that it couldn’t

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Shopping Blindly With The Crowd

I was at the mall today and it was definitely packed with a lot of people. I was at Toy’s R Us looking for a Christmas gift for my nephew and I overheard something that was interesting. In the movies and games area there was this large line up as it looked like there was

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Financial Management

Spending Store Credit

A person I knew recently had to go to exchange a gift that they received as the item was something that she had already. So, she decided to exchange it for something else by first getting store credit. Then the tricky part came as always with store credit as rarely can you ever simply spend

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