General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Saving or Spending?

With black Friday coming up for US residents one topic that I have been hearing constantly is whether or not people will be spending to take advantage of those sales or simply saving up during these times. While there won’t be any black Friday sales here, for myself I would be inclined to save like

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Business General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Buy One Get One Free or Half Price Off

While looking at some flyers recently I noticed that one place was have a buy one get one free sale on a lot of merchandises. The prices for one of the items are inline with other business, so in many ways it does seem like a good deal. For myself as a consumer, I usually

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Marked Up Out of Business Prices

As mentioned many times, usually when you see sale signs indicating that an item is say 50% off you still have to do your due diligence as that sale price may not be all that it seems. As many of you may know, the business Linens N’ Things has recently started a going out of

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Business Financial Management General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Price of Groceries From Small and Large Businesses

One thing that I have often noticed when it comes to buying general groceries is that fruits and vegetables in larger supermarkets are often cheaper if you are buying it in a pre-packaged manner. On the other hand, if you are selecting it fresh and paying by the pound I have often found it is

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Financial Management

Nothing Too Small For A Credit Card

Today while doing some shopping I saw some good deals for potential Christmas gifts such as various kids toys that would originally cost about $30 but was marked down to a single digit range. As well, I saw some grocery items that were on sale for like 50 cents when it would normally cost a

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Spending More For Color?

I was watching that show “The Doctors” today since everyone says that it is suppose to be very educational. One of the topic discussed revolved around color and how different colors affects the body in different ways. This immediately reminded me on how when it comes to purchasing products with different color variations, it’s interesting

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