
Asking For Discounts By Not Using A Credit Card

As you may already know, every time that you use a credit card with a merchant they get hit with a transaction fee that eats into their sales margin. Sometimes you can actually use this knowledge to help yourself save money as well when it comes to small businesses. Example, mom and pop stores or

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Limited Quantity Sale Limits

A person was telling me today that she saw this great deal for some canned salmon at about 50 cents a can and the stipulation was that it was limited to twelve per customer. While she didn’t buy twelve of them, I was just thinking how most of the time people simply ignore these types

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Business Financial Management General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Waiting For The Market Reaction Deals And Savings

There is just a non stop pouring of negative news about this financial crisis huh? Even here in Canada I was reading about things such as how the Canadian dollar is at about 90 cent US. One thing that people seem to be overlooking though is the savings that you can take advantage of. For

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Financial Management General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Post Special Occasion Prices

With Halloween coming up at the end of the month and seeing all those candy for sale one thing that comes to my mind immediately is how the prices for these products drop like a rock the very next day. Essentially, businesses want to get rid of them since they are kind of holiday specific.

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Financial Management General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Cosmetic Motivated Replacements

Recently I was talking to a friend who has a contract with a cell phone provider and his phone has this scratch on it which pretty bad. But, as soon as his contract runs out he can pretty much get another one either for free or at a heavy discount. Thing is, he is thinking

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Having To Shop For Travel Time

I had a funny conversation with a person who seems to always buy something when she goes out as if it was some kind of daily routine. She mentioned that a big reason for this was that when she has to spend money to go to places such as using the car or buying a

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