Financial Management
Financial Management

US and Canada Tariff Wars Begin

Well, it seems like it is official today as the US has implemented a 25% tariff on all Canadian goods going to the US and in return Canada is doing the same. A lot of people here are calling for everyone to try and buy Canadian products only and officials here have already sent instructions

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Financial Management

Being Pressured To Spend More When You Are Rich

There was a video spreading online with what appeared to be a famous video streamer who clearly has a lot of wealth and a topic came up on how he refused to spend $500 on a haircut. Because of how much money he has, people were calling him cheap because of that and he fired

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Financial Management

What Works For One May Not For The Other

As usual in the new year I tend to want to learn something new and language are often something people decide to learn as a new skill. I was looking for multiple options including free ones from language apps like Duolingo. There are plenty of reviews online of people who say it simply doesn’t work

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Financial Management

Renegotiating Your Service Contracts To Save Money

My Internet contract was expiring and it was kind of interesting as there were sales people from the provider contacting me to renew my contract. At first they told me about new options that would be better than what I am using now for virtually same price at about $59.99 a month. As well, they

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Financial Management

Endless Meetings Causing Financial Loss

This was hilarious I thought as a reporter was talking about how here in Vancouver there was a meeting conducted on how to save money by cutting the costs of certain items to reach a savings goal of about $20,000. If this is accurate, it was reported that to conduct the meeting itself they had

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Financial Management

Old Broken Phones Can Be Worth Hundreds of Dollars

Today was the launch of Samsung’s Galaxy S25 phones and sure enough they seem really expensive which also drew criticism on the fact that the phones didn’t seem to evolve much hardware wise. Now the company does offer incentives such as coupons to try and get people to buy the new phones. As well, during

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