General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Taking Advantage of Dismal Repercussions

I thought it was interesting reading how apparently there are people that are literally committing crimes of sort in order to get clout and attention which they in-turn use to make money through various means. In some cases, it’s teens who know what they are doing is wrong but know that the penalty will simply

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Advertising By Listing On Every Online Store

Not too long ago many businesses such as a Best Buy or Walmart would only sell their own products on their site. Nowadays, a lot of them have adopted Amazon’s strategy of simply allow individuals and companies to sell their products with them. This is great for small businesses as you can get the traffic

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Being Dependent On A Service Provider To Run Your Business

I was testing out all this AI stuff recently there were a couple times I thought where I could easily create side business projects with this where the AI would do most of the work. It could create and edit all the content where ultimately I just need to pre-screen it before publishing the item.

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Charging More For Weekends Because You Can

Today I went to visit a tulip festival and it required a ticket to enter. Not surprisingly, the ticket price is cheaper on weekdays at $10 each and on weekends it was $15 each. That is normal as you would expect a lot more people on the weekends. Now why this got me thinking is

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Having Eyes And Ears Everywhere With A Community

This was interesting today as there was a scenario apparently of a person talking about internal company material that should be shared with the public in which they were then swift to try and take everything down. As expected, they then tried to locate how the information got leaked in the first place. What was

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Spelling Things Wrong To Generate Business Attention

I heard of people doing this before where in various cases they will purposely spell something wrong as they know others will as well. As a result, when it comes to things like a search engine then the assumption is they will gather all the traffic from people who misspell it. Some strategies I know

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