
Thinking You Will Never See Certain People Again

Imagine a company that works with another person for some kind of event only to have messed up in some way as things don’t go according to plan. People are usually understanding of errors correct? However, for this company they decide to just sweep it under the rug and not even apologize to people for

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Private Time In Work Life Conflicts

I was reading some interesting stories about people alleging that they have lost employment or business opportunities with places they normally have a good working relationship with because of stuff they did outside of work. In a lot of these stories, it was people attending events or speaking about issues that are currently very divisive

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Using The Small Business Growth Excuse

I recently decided to do more research about a company that seemed to be pretty slow in delivering an item where initially I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they are a small business and may simply be understaffed. However, upon research I found online that years ago people were expressing the same

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Following Up Business Errors With Compensation

I was thinking as recently there was a company that seemed to be messing up an order really bad to the point where it felt like it was run out of someone’s basement as an example as a side home business. For example, someone randomly selling items on Ebay. While there were a lot of

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Trusting Businesses With A Hobby Approach or Not

In many cases when you have people who are passionate about a particular topic create and operate a business the assumption is it will be a safe bet that you are buying an item from people who understand exactly what you need and how to communicate with you. This got me thinking as awhile ago

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Running A Pizza Business By Yourself

Fascinating video I watched today of someone who apparently runs a pizzeria all by himself. Literally, everything from preparing the pizza to serving the customers this is a type of operation you would expect to have at least two people on duty each day in order to maintain a productive workflow. Now the main reason

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