Usually when you decide to leave a company it’s usually best to try and remain professional where each side would thank each other for their service and support as it is time to move on. But what if you were someone who ended up quitting just to start s competing business in the exact same industry and space? Let’s assume you think you can do things better. Would you actively go publicly to criticize your former employer in an effort to convince people to do business with your company instead?
It was just so interesting to see an example where a person who was employed by various companies for years essentially going off on them and how he believes their practices are unpractical and simply designed to take people’s money. It definitely helps his brand as the trustworthy professional. But I would imagine he just burnt his bridges with the other companies.
So it makes you wonder, would you go off your former employers like that assuming you are now competitors? Or would you take a more diplomatic approach and simply highlight what you are the best company people should hire as an example?