This got me thinking today as there was a person who travelled the world to essentially play a video game where there are players all around the world. He has a rather large audience and so it has turned into a lucrative business or him. Now in this case the developer of the game actually has people they partner with to be in a program where participants can often get perks such as travel expenses to events. Again, this person was not in any of those groups but was simply independent in running his own business for this.
He made this very clear to his audience whenever he visited various cities and it seemed like one way he generated income was by selling merchandise or receiving donations. This reminded me a lot like street acts where the performers remind the audience to tip them if they can as they don’t get paid by anyone in the city as an example to do the act. It often works too because I can imagine people feeling guilty as well if they were entertained and knowing the performer didn’t get any compensation.
With that said, it is true in many cases where you need to remind people if you are say a solo entrepreneur you don’t exactly have the same benefits as a large company. Kind of like being a creative online where people assume an artist makes say thousands of dollars per work as if they are someone that was contracted to work on a big TV show. Doesn’t hurt to remind people.