
Having An Easy And Clear Way To Be Contacted For Proposals

Recently I was talking to a person where she kind of seemed frustrated as to why one of her competitors were getting all the offers and deals from various companies. This could be ranging from getting to try out items that aren’t released to the public or being invited to events. It wasn’t a matter

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Recognizing How Lazy Publications Can Be For Marketing Exposure

This was kind of funny where I attended a seminar and one of the topics was how when you try to work or do businesses in other countries you often have to go through some kind of work permit process. For example, in the US that could be something like an 0-1 Visa application. As

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Actually Not Wanting Name Branded On Items

One interesting observation I had in the age of social media marketing and personalities is that many times people go out of their way to hide the names and logos on various products as people don’t want to give free advertisements to companies. While normally people would want their items branded to show things like

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Simply Choosing The Success Stories To Publish

I was thinking as I was watching a video from a person who was essentially talking about the success that his clients have experienced because of his coaching services. I was a little weary of this as I actually know some people who have used his service and mentioned how it isn’t really worth the

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Using Up Your Old Marketing Materials or Not

This was a funny scenario as a person was apparently going through his old stuff and found a bunch of old business cards. They still had the correct contact information but since it was from such a long time ago the design of it wasn’t the same in comparison to the other marketing materials. He

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Using The Wrong High Profile Ambassadors for A Business

Imagine this where there was a company that was desperately looking for someone to work on its production where as a start-up they wanted a high profile individual. They happened to find a person who appeared to have lost his job due to the company closing and had quite a following. So they hired him

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