
Because You Have Something To Gain

It seems like every other day I am reading stories from site owners on how they are struggling to handle the financial burden of running a web site as their visitor base is sky rocketing. While they have methods such as affiliate programs and various advertisements in place to generate income, the common theme that

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Business and Friendship

Recently, I just had a conversation with a friend about times where it seemed like working with people that you have known and trust turn out to be a disaster. When I reflect back to the times where this has personally happened to me, the main theme in every case was that I was naive

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Rash Decisions

Today I was talking to a friend who mentioned to me that one of his friend was actively pursuing some sort of business opportunity with a company called “Lifewave” and wondered if I knew anything about it. Based on company literatures, they sell “Energy Enhancer Patches” which contains its “Lifewave technology”. To be brief, it

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Taking Risks

I’ll admit, I’m a big fan of the show “The Apprentice” as a lot of the events that happen around the show are genuinely real situations that I have often seen and experienced both as an employee and a business owner. One thing that really stuck out was how it was mentioned that you must

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