Financial Management

Mentioning That You Are Budget Conscious

Today there was a scenario where a person was recommending me all these items that could potentially help with my productivity when it comes to doing various work while at the same time it could enhance the types of things I get to work on. For the most part whenever I enlist the help of

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Asking For A Budget or Not For Services

Usually when people need to pay for some kind of service where they are not sure on what exactly they need or how long it will take they often want some kind of price quote so that they can see if the service is affordable or not. A few weeks ago a person was saying

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Having Helpful Staff Or Information on Demand

A person was telling me the other day how she always hated to go into this electronic store as whenever she asks for help for an item the employees would just point as to where to find the items. She was trying to shop for a gift that she didn’t have much knowledge of so

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Financial Management

Money Budget Versus A Limit Budget

Recently I was thinking if I wanted to try some new stuff next month that would require me to spend some money. While money is obviously a factor in these cases I often have more than enough. However I tend to limit myself on what I can get or do if I already have something

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Advertising Through Regular People Instead of Professionals

Today I saw this interesting review video where a couple of seniors were trying to fly a drone for the first time as this model was meant more as a toy. They were having a blast though. In the company’s advertising material they had a fairly professional budget it seems in producing the work to

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Financial Management

Thinking How You Would Forcefully Spend Excess Money As A Requirement

Usually with money people have a dilemma in trying to get more as they often don’t have enough. So that’s why this got me thinking today as there was a scenario where a company was given a generous budget to complete a task where they actually do have to spend everything. They can’t just pocket

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