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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Different Views of Retirement

I was having a fun chat with some people in terms of some of the stuff that we still want to accomplish whether it is in regards to personal entertainment or perusing some kind of business. The interesting thing is for most people I talk to that have it set financially, they always want to

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Less Pay or More Fulfillment

When it comes to earning a living, I guess most of us at one time or another did something solely for the sake of money and when an opportunity presented itself where we were able to get into something that is exactly what we wanted except it would mean making les money, it sure creates

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Financial Management

Restricting Money And Resources At A Young Age

I thought this was kind of an interesting perspective on something that a lot of people do. I was recently talking to some people where the topic was originally about how everyone got started in terms of starting a business along with the type of attitude and commitment that is necessary to succeed. Now managing

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How Long You Work VS Producing Results

Today I was talking to a person that is experiencing a common circumstance when it comes to running a business or being self employed as when you are in a position where you must be fully accountable for your own income and results, this often means that if you have to work say seven days

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Making Money

Opening Yourself To Commercial Solicitation For Free Stuff

A person just passed me along some information that involved people being able to get free items that a lot of people would want such as a computer or in this case just hard cash as well. So I was reading about it a bit and for this thing in particular it involved you having

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Made In China Products

Today I was helping a family member to choose a TV and before we went to the store I did some research ahead of time to see which brand and model would be most ideal for them based on their usage. So when we went to the store, I pretty much knew which ones to

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