Financial Management
Business Financial Management

Working For Benefits

Someone was telling me how one of his strategies in order to save money is to work in industries that he normally spends a lot of money in order o save money. For example, it could be that someone buys a lot of electronics and so they work part time at a retail store to

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Financial Management

America’s Cheapest Family

I discovered this story today which revolves around a family of seven in the US who happens to live on a $35,000 a year income. It was kind of amazing to see how frugal they were when it comes to expenses such as the amount of coupons they use when shopping for groceries. You can

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Financial Management General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Don’t Buy Stuff You Cannot Afford

I was just passed this video that seems like an old comedy skit from the Saturday Night Live show. It basically revolves around these two characters who are in constant credit card debt and having a hard time grasping the concept on how you shouldn`t buy things if you don`t have enough money to do

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Financial Management

Wealth Management

I was talking to a gentleman today who was explaining to me on how he got into the business of wealth management which he is able to do from his home. In general, what he does is aid people in investing their money in products such as mutual funds to hopefully generate a good return.

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Financial Management Making Money

Working More And Getting Less

One of my friends was telling me how a person he knew decided to take on two jobs to earn more income. On paper it sounded like a good idea as the person could be earning say an extra $500 to $1000 a week by doing so. Ironically, that wasn’t really the case. By earning

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Financial Management

Price And Food Value

Today I was at a restaurant and a conversation came on how the items on the menu were more expensive compared to most other places. One perspective was that if the food is good then the price is justified. The other perspective is that even if it is good, the price does play a role

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