Financial Management
Business Financial Management

Potential Savings On Service Plans

Today I was looking at the phone bill for a business line and there was a long distance fee charged on it. This was odd as no one ever uses it for long distance calls. Upon investigating, this was apparently some kind of monthly fee to make the rates cheaper. Of course, it makes no

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Business Financial Management

The Right Times To Get Updated

One of my friends was telling me recently on how his parents still uses this really old TV that looks like it is at least 7 years old. The interesting comment was how he mentioned that to him five years should be the cut off period to start replacing something for most items. This is

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Business Financial Management

Paying For Errors

Today I was at a restaurant and one of the orders wasn’t correct. The lady that brought it over kind of had that “Uh oh, what am I going to do now” look as she wrote down the wrong order. We were just going to take it as we didn’t want to create any fuss,

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Financial Management

Is Debt Supposed To Be A Part of Life?

I heard from about two people this week who have accumulated a massive credit card debt which is well over the $5000 mark. They weren’t exactly too phased by it and mentioned that people normally have a credit card debt anyways and that you just need to learn to live with it as it will

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Business Financial Management

Wealth Psychology

Wasn’t this interesting. I just read this article that talked about how there are people who seek help from wealth psychologists to help them deal with the money in their lives. For example, people who are uncomfortable inheriting a lot of wealth or learning to teach kids to be responsible with money in a financially

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Business Financial Management

Working For Benefits

Someone was telling me how one of his strategies in order to save money is to work in industries that he normally spends a lot of money in order o save money. For example, it could be that someone buys a lot of electronics and so they work part time at a retail store to

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