General Thoughts and Fun Topics
Financial Management General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Flyers Here, Flyers There, Flyers Everywhere

With the last weekend of the holiday shopping season it seems like every company has multiple flyers advertising last minute sales to entice impulsive shoppers. On top of that, stores are already sending out flyers to advertise post Christmas sales which kind of makes shopping for presents after Christmas sound like a smart thing to

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Lying For Money

I was just passed this story that revolved around a contestant named Denise Martin that was on the reality TV show Survivor. I actually did watch the finale this past Sunday and she wasn’t the winner. At the end they had interviews with the contestants as usual. Denise mentioned how being on the show has

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Business General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Fortune’s 101 Dumbest Moments In Business For 2007

I was just reading this list published by Fortune that consisted of what they thought was the dumbest business moments this year. You can see the full list at the fortune site. The top one was the toy recall for items made in China and it had events that I was aware of such as

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Business General Thoughts and Fun Topics

$85000 Cell Phone Bill

I was reading this news article today that talked about a person who had racked up a cell phone bill of $85,000. You can read the story at In general, the person used his cell phone to acquire Internet access for his computer as he assumed his $10 a month unlimited browser plan would

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Using Birthdays To Get Free Stuff

One of my friend was telling me that he was going to a birthday party and the plan was to take the friend to as many restaurants and vendors as possible to see how many free birthday gifts they could get him. For example, getting free sundaes or clothing items. I’ve never actually seen someone

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Financial Management General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Making Your Own Gifts To Save Money

I was thinking this year for Christmas that for certain people I could actually create something that they would like a lot instead of doing the typical spend X amount of dollar approach that I would normally do. Just thinking of some of the stuff that I have seen people do, I’ve seen people create

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