General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Forcing Yourself To Rest Too

I was talking to a person who runs his own freelancing business which meant that he has to constantly search for new customers. Not surprisingly he mentioned that he gets maybe three hours of sleep each day as it is much more relaxing to know that he has secured a contract for a month rather

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics Making Money

Time And Value For Getting Things For Free

Today I saw something funny as I was reading an article about people who were spending so much time a site trying to do earn enough digital points to play various games like poker in hopes to play a game to win more money. The funny thing was that it wasn’t much at all when

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Would You Try Something New or Look For The Same Old

Today I was hearing a story about a guy that recently got laid off from his job and as a result he just sits at home trying to find work within the same field while watching movies all day to kill the time. This apparently happens consistently too. I was just thinking, usually with a

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Focusing Too Much Solely In Acquiring Benefits And Industry Support

I was watching an interview today where a person was talking about his views on how he feels that a lot of entrepreneurs expect to run their business highly on the notion that they can get third party funding and support by continually doing what they think others want. Example, imagine running an organization where

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Having A Life of Thinking About Money Around The Clock

I have a cousin that is visiting as he normally lives in Hong Kong. He runs a business over there and he was telling me how people in general always have this working mentality where it is all about numbers and making the big dollars. In that sense, it is not too hard to see

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Final Touches On New Years Eve

While I should be just preparing for New Years, that niche site idea that I created requires some of my attention today and so I am currently working away at it. Since I live in the Pacific Standard time I am hoping that I can finish this within 3 hours or so before doing any

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