Going To Court To Win A Few Dollars
General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Going To Court To Win A Few Dollars

Today I was reading this article that implied that a person named Sarah Pivnick, who is a lawyer as well, was a customer of a business called Planet Lazer Entertainment where she wasn’t happy with the service and asked for about $350 of damages as a result. Apparently in the end she got $38 back. This generated mixed opinions online where some were saying this a ridiculous case to bring to court whereas others say it is needed as there are so many times people wonder why businesses continue to have questionable businesses practices as no one is willing to actually do anything.

To be clear too, I believe they didn’t actually go to court as they went to what is called the BC Civil Resolution Tribunal. It is meant for people with claims under $5000 to handle disputes without having to go to court. But it is an interesting thought where I you knew you were going to win in these cases would you take a company to court over the sheer principle of receiving service that fell below the advertised expectation per se?

It’s funny too as even my reaction at first would be that sounds crazy to go after a company for that little money. But then you read so many comments online of people having similar negative experiences with the business it makes you think maybe it’s not that crazy assuming the process is an easy one. Kind of like how if writing a letter of complaint publicly can change a company to do better then it wouldn’t be crazy even if it was over a two dollar purchase I would imagine.

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