General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Advantage or Disadvantage Going From A Rich Back To Poor Lifestyle Area

I was watching an interesting video today where a person has been living in a fairly high quality of life area such as having access to all the latest tech and fancy food items. While he was only able to stay temporarily for about a year due to circumstances he had to move back to

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Trying New Things As It May Change Your Lifestyle

I was thinking today as I was talking to some people who have never used a drone before and when they did it seemed like they got a lightbulb moment on how using the technology can make so much more sense than other things. The funny thing was how I would imagine it would be

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Financial Management

Does Limiting Where You Can Go Aid In Saving Money For Your Lifestyle

This was a thinking topic in many ways. Usually when it comes to saving money on things like shopping researching various places to get the best deals is often kind of important as not every place has the best prices for everything. Without doing so you could save say 50% off one item just to

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Implementing Good Habits When You Don’t Need It

Today I decided to walk about 7km to my destination which isn’t too much in my view. Sure a vehicle would be a lot faster but this is often one of the ways I save money funny enough. By staying healthy and active I don’t need to spend money on gym memberships or other things

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Financial Management

Thinking How Your Purchases Would Cause Your Habits To Be More Expensive

Today I saw this video of like an electric scooter or hoverboard depending on what you want to call it. In this case though the item has four wheels and seems to be the size of like a notebook. The name of it is a “Walkcar” as they call it where they are dubbing it

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Judging Wealth Based On How Much You Spend

So I have been recently flying the DJI Mavic drone I purchased and it’s been a lot of fun as it has opened up a lot of creative possibilities for me I feel. One of the challenges is finding places where I can actually fly this thing due to regulations and so at times I

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