Financial Management

Changing Your Perspective of Money By Seeing How Others Live

It was actually a holiday here today which meant a lot of people were off work and simply enjoying the day with various activities. I actually ended up visiting a part of province that I wouldn’t normally just for the sake of exploring things like the price of groceries and items there. While the prices

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Spending Money On Advice And Training Just To Always Be Dependent On The Teacher

This was a little awkward to me as I was hearing a story of a lady who was always barely scraping by financially. So obviously something had to change. She didn’t make very much money as her income was about $2000 a month it seemed. The interesting was how she spent it. About $1200 of

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An Automated Billing Lifestyle

The other day I was wondering what was wrong with a company as I told them that I wanted to cancel a service. I was aware that the guy is like a one man operation and so I was a little more forgiving in not getting a quick reply and all. I know for sure

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Financial Management

Always Having Something Active To Do To Save Money

Today I had a couple of meetings and appointments where for one instance there was like a three hour downtime before my next appointment would start. At first I was thinking that I would try out some of these new coupons at a local restaurant to kill some time. However, I then realized for my

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Doing A Cheap Job If It Is An Easy Part of Your Lifestyle

Recently hear there have been this food scrap program where when it comes to food you now have to separate all the food waste from other forms of garbage. Funny enough, as a result people actually want junk mail and such so they can use like the newspapers to wrap the food in. This helps

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Financial Management

Apparently My Idea of Wear And Tear For Shoes Is Crazy

For this boxing day one thing that I am definitely looking for is a new pair of shoes. As you may all know, in an effort to save money I usually try to use a product until it is truly unusable. The funny thing was that my sister in law saw one of my pair

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