Financial Management
Financial Management

Keep or Shred Your Old Bill Statements

I was doing some re-organizing today and it came to mind how I have folders worth of items such as old credit card statements. It became a habit for me before to archive it all so that I can easily have access to them if I needed to review my financial spending habits. Nowadays all

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Financial Management

Is It Possible To Live On A Minimum Wage Budget

I saw this picture shared in one my social media accounts today. As you can see, it’s a picture that outlines how at this day and age twenty dollars simply can’t buy much nowadays in terms of food. While I assume the notion is to describe everything such as food and housing cost, seeing those

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Financial Management

Interesting To See if People Can Learn From Other’s Financial Experiences

Recently this year the 4th annual welfare food challenge took place with mostly new participants. As you all remember, last year I did it where the stipulation was you only had $21 for the week to spend on food and I ended up with $2.32 left still. I personally did not starve as an

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Financial Management

Sharing Financial Difficulties With Children

I have always heard that one popular opinion is that when it comes to kids you should never get them involved in adult situations. Essentially, it is expressed that they either wouldn’t understand or that kids deserve to be kids where it’s about having fun and growing up. Apparently the same should be true with

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Financial Management

Perspectives of Student Loan Debt

had this old picture spreading amongst my social media circle recently with the hashtag #occupystudentdebt. As you can see, it shows a lady who writes down that she initially borrowed $26,400 for school. Over the past twenty three years, she has paid back $32,700 as the interest rates on the loan has still left her

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Financial Management

Large Financial Safety Net Mentality

I was reading some articles today about how having a decent sized financial safety net can play a big psychological role in determining how well you manage money.  It’s like saying, if you had a safety net of $10,000 then you are apparently more likely to not want to splurge compared to if you had

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