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Massive Intel Lay Offs Coming

Well there was a lot of news today on how the company Intel is planning to reduce its workforce by about 15% due to cost cutting efforts despite revenues of around $12.8 billion in the second quarter. However, that is down compared to the previous year by about $1.6 billion. To think that the company

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Using Hobbies And Recreation To Screen Out Business Partners

I was thinking the other day as there was a person who was really pushing me to help him and his friend start up a business before but from what I did know about him he didn’t seem to be a person that followed through with ambitions and so I felt it would ultimately be

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Financial Management

SimpleFile Tax Service or Low Income Canadians

Tax time is over here for most people but I was reading this how the Canada Revenue Agency has sent out invites for people to use its SimpleFile tax program which is supposed to automatically file people’s taxes for them. Apparently this is meant for less complex situations where each year the individual pretty much

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Financial Management

Using Commercial Grade Appliances For Home Use

Usually when it comes to products that I use everyday I tend to be open minded about potentially investing more if it means it will make my life better and heathier. I think a common example many people use is since you sleep for a large portion of your life investing in a good bed

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Thinking People Need The Same Tools That You Did

It’s almost back to school shopping for a lot of parents and usually on that list you would think of things such as books and backpacks. However, one tool that many kids are getting as they enter into high school is a cell phone. While that may seem common today, what was interesting is how

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All You Need Is One Networking Connection

This got me thinking today as a person reached out to me through an online network that I usually reserve for people I have actually met. However, he was able to find me there as apparently, he worked with someone I knew. The interesting thing was he actually had another contact he could have reached

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