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Eliminating Potential Bias And Prejudice

When it comes to completing some kind of task most people just want someone that can do the job. But the reality is, a lot of people would often prejudge people based on superficial details such as age and cultural background. I just saw an example today where initially a person was super excited to

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Avoiding Your Own Best Interest To Protect Your Business Peers

I was recently had an interesting situation where I had the opportunity to fix a scenario where I have been wronged as there is pretty much no and ifs or buts about it where the business in question would be held accountable if I went ahead. However, doing so would also disrupt a lot of

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Having Free Consultation Or Demanding Money Right Away

This got me thinking as usually when it comes to lawyers every firm seems to have different business styles when it comes to customer acquisition. Some offer free initial consultation such as a quick 15 to 30 minute session in order to determine if there is a good case for the potential client and then

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Posting Everywhere To Be Recommended By AI Search

Recently I decided to try various AI chatbots to see if they could recommend what they felt were the best companies to hire for various services. At first I didn’t really see anything unusual as it simply listed businesses that you would expect to pop up even through manual searching. With that said, it didn’t

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Emphasizing That You Are Doing Everything Out of Your Own Expense

This got me thinking today as there was a person who travelled the world to essentially play a video game where there are players all around the world. He has a rather large audience and so it has turned into a lucrative business or him. Now in this case the developer of the game actually

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Holidays And Long Weekends As A Regular Business Day

If you are an employee working for a company then you would usually view long weekends as a day off as an example and if you are required to work then you can expect to get paid more. However, usually as a business owner you need to keep working during these times. Especially for restaurants,

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