Just Paying To Make Things Go Away

Just Paying To Make Things Go Away

This was an interesting thought about money and challenges in life where many times people simply make a decision that seems the easiest versus what is actually right per se. Imagine a scenario where someone is suing a company claiming they are owed money for say damages. Even though the company feels they are in the right, they have insurance which coves these kinds of items. So even though the guy was asking for a ridiculous five figure payout, because the company’s insurance would cover it people actually had the mindset of just paying the guy to make him go away.

It’s crazy to think about as if it was a situation where someone was on their last dollar they would probably fight it to the end knowing they are in the right. But many times people approach it simply based on the numbers which I would think just opens up the possibility for the company to be continually taken advantage of.

Reminds me of a story I heard of a billionaire offering a person who was wronged the best lawyers in town to go after a guy trying to cheat him out of his money but at the end of the day he actually just paid the guy to make everything go away. Even the billionaire was shocked at that considering the offer he gave the guy. Pick your battles as they say. But there are many times you should actually fight through the issue in order to deter others from doing the same.

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