Discouraging Serious People In Trying To Sort Out Bad Workers

Discouraging Serious People In Trying To Sort Out Bad Workers

This was an interesting example I thought of a company that was struggling to find top quality talent it seems as a lot of people they work with end up not being able to do the job professionally to the point where the company is wasting time and resources on them. So their strategy it seems was to create this extremely long list of company demands while constantly reminding people that they will be in a sense fired if they don’t meet a specific standard which seems to be changing constantly.

Not surprisingly, this actually caused a lot of serious workers to quit and even convinced people not to work for the company. It’s not because all these procedures simply sorted out the “weak” as they say, but instead people viewed it as a sign of disrespect where the company was treating people like a number and animal that they could boss around. Therefore, people would rather work for a company that respected them.

There is the saying on how you attract more bees with honey and this is a great example of it where if you can show that the environment you have is say fun and rewarding then that will naturally attract the hard-working people as well. Who wouldn’t want to have a great time while contributing to a company’s success as an example?

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