Business and Finance Books
Business and Finance Books

Chapter 3

The Shrinking Middle Class The theme of this chapter revolved around how people’s financial intelligence, which they refer to as “financial IQ”, is not up to par and as a result the middle class is shrinking and making society into a two-class demographic consisting of the very rich and the very poor. They used this

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Business and Finance Books

Chapter 2

Our Shared Concerns This chapter was pretty short as it mostly talks about how Trump and Kiyosaki shared the same concerns and belief about various economics issues by using a lot of references from their past books. This time they were in Dallas, Texas where The Learning Annex’s Real Estate Expo was taking place on

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Business and Finance Books

Chapter 1

Millionaire Meets Billionaire It starts off by talking about how odd it is that Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki got together to write this book as their backgrounds are very different. Donald Trump came from a wealthy family and made billions at a young age while Robert Kiyosaki came from a middle-class family and became

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Business and Finance Books

The Introduction

____ So the first book that I decided to read for this business and finance book review section is the book called “Why We Want You to Be Rich: Two Men – One Message” which was created by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki. Just some quick background information about the authors for those who may

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Business and Finance Books

Reviewing Various Business and Finance Books

So I have been getting some requests in regards to certain business and financial related books on whether or not I have read them. For me personally, I’ve never really read books that promise how you’ll learn how to be a financial expert or easy ways to make millions. As mundane as it may sound,

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