I was reading some interesting points today when it comes to the notion of achieving financial independence as apparently a lot of people associate that phrase with simply how much you make. For example, if you make a million dollars a year then you have achieved financial independence. There was a point though saying how someone could make like two thousand dollars a year where they could be a person who achieved financial independence as it is based mainly on the notion if a person generates more income than their expenses.
That does make sense in many ways as a person who makes a million dollars a year could pretty much be in the same situation as a person who makes less due to spending habits. For example, a person that insists in buying a house worth ten million dollars and insisting in dining in the most expensive places each day. It should kind of make you think where if you are always so caught up about having to make more money maybe it’s more about reducing expenses as much as possible.
It must be weird to think like that based on what we are used to though. Example, instead of worrying that you must find a way to make like say one thousand a month to buy food it should be more about how can you reduce that expense to as little as possible even if it means growing your own food. Basically, financial independence is more about having no outstanding expenses at the end of the day as opposed to how much you make. Sounds more logical to me personally.