Using A Casino As Your Bank Service For Coin Counting
Financial Management

Using A Casino As Your Bank Service For Coin Counting

grouse mountain eye of the wind vancouver

This was kind of funny. Although nowadays you can often find a lot of coin counting machines if you are too lazy to count and wrap the coins yourself to then either deposit them in your bank or to get higher currency, I was just reading how some people use casinos to do that service for them. Reason being is that even though you can often find machines at places as well they usually charge you a fee.

Basically, I was reading how some people simply bring all of their coins to the service person in the casino where the staff then counts it all and gives you cash as the mindset was that you were going to use it to play games. Or you would then exchange it for chips that you can easily just redeem for cash after. Basically, for many who don’t have access to a free coin counting machine or simply don’t ant to pay a fee for it use this method all the time. You apparently have to call ahead of time though if it is a lot of coins.

I don’t think I would have ever thought of that. Talk about taking advantage of a service I guess.

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