What strange news this was as apparently the US president and the Prime minister of Canada had a meeting about the proposed tariffs due to the US claiming Canada isn’t doing enough to stop illegal drugs from crossing to the US. The result was a n announcement was made that the tariffs has been delayed for thirty days. The confusing thing was I was reading people claim that part of the agreement was that Canada agreed to spend $1.3 billion in surveillance around the border to which some people were claiming it’s an example that the threat of a tariff worked. That’s weird because this was already announced back in December 2024. It made me think, was this all for show?
It’s like watching a poker match where two sides may or may not have a good hand but they have to get the other side to think they have the stronger hand to convince them to say fold. That’s really the only thing I can think of with this situation thus far as it’s like a basic posturing procedure to see how the other reacts.
This is why I had the mindset of a wait and see too as often in business you see two people saying just about anything in hopes to get a reaction. I would imagine though there will now be lingering tension between the two countries.