I was reading a story today that I thought was kind of neat as a person was talking about how she was interested in making things like an e-book. However, the thoughts of market saturation and the fear of getting criticized basically stopped her from moving forward. Not only that, she actually had a large audience through other means whom she even asked for some input about it and likewise many people were telling her that the market is too big and that no one would ever pay for her work.
As expected she simply didn’t do it. Months passed by and eventually she did. Wouldn’t you know it too that after a few months the revenue from the ebook was bringing her more income than her job. Afterwards she started to talk about how she regretted not doing it earlier and allowing all the discouragements from holding her back. I would think for things like this too the risk is extremely minimal to the point that if it fails then there wouldn’t be much harm done. So therefore despite getting a lot of negativity why not try it?
You could always look at it the other way where it’s like only having to invest $5 into a company where there is a moderate chance it can become a huge success. So like in that case why not? You will always have critics anyways despite if the idea is truly good or bad.