This was technically the second book by Trump that I have read. Based on what I heard beforehand, people either liked it a lot or said that it just showed Trump as a bragging ego maniac.
The book definitely has a blunt direction for the most part. Although I guess you can say a lot of the advice can be considered as common sense, the blunt direction made the information more interesting to read I thought.
It’s not everyday that someone is open to giving advice this way as I suppose most people would consider it politically incorrect. While I personally didn’t really learn too much in the sense of how I would change my way of thinking as I believe if you don’t already think in a similar approach you are in trouble, the stories that were used as examples were insightful. As they say too, you absorb information and then take what works for you.
We all need a reminder every once in awhile on the harsh realities of the world when you are trying to achieve financial success. I think overall the book does a very good job in telling you the things that you don’t want to necessarily hear but need to in life.
It’s only in the last few chapters where I felt the book began to lose its charm. I could easily see how some of the content in those chapters alone painted the picture of an ego maniac for a lot of people. I also thought Bill Zanker’s contribution at the end of each chapter felt more like an advertisement for his company and it would have been better if he referenced examples that were not specifically tied to his business.
You do have to be in the right state of mind to read things like this too. Overall, I enjoyed it and would recommend it to others.
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