Financial Management

Buying What You Need And Not The Best Deal

While in many ways this may sound like the worst idea when it comes to saving money, for a lot of things just buying what you need today as oppose to the value of your purchase can save you money in many ways. For example, before I saw a 4 gig USB memory stick for

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Salaries That Don’t Add Up

I know this person who recently mentioned that he got about 20/hr plus bonuses in doing a job and was pretty happy about as it was a pretty decent pay for the type of work he did that doesn’t necessarily require any kind of degree to do. The interesting thing too was that people kept

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Financial Management

Calculating Vendor Voucher Values

There is an event today at the PNE area here called the Taste of The City where various vendors rented a booth to allow people to sample their food or beverages in hopes to encourage them to visit their restaurants. The admission was free but you had to purchase these tickets where you could buy

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Saving Money As A Competition

This was kind of funny as just the other day a person asked me how much I paid for a specific desk and I said about $40. She then mentioned that she was able to get it for $30 and was so happy to be able to finally beat me in terms of being able

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Making Money

Saving Old Money Currency

My parents was telling me about this old $2 bill that was given to my brother a long time ago and how it is suppose to be worth about $500 or so now. That brought up a discussion about saving old money currency as a form of investment. I’ve never really been into this type

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

The Habit of Grabbing The Far Back Items

I think almost everyone has done this at one time or another where whenever we shop in say a store or supermarket for items that are in some kind of package/container we tend to grab the ones at the far back. I guess the logic is that the one at the back is somehow newer

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