Result Oriented Fee Structures In Dire Times
General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Result Oriented Fee Structures In Dire Times

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I saw some advertisements today for various services and surprisingly one of them was a private investigator type of firm that were specifically targeting women who were suspecting that their significant other is cheating on them. The rates were something like $50/hour not including transportation fees and equipment.

This kind of made me think how these services kind of prey on people during their lowest of lows where in a lot of cases they just end up draining their bank accounts in an effort to find those one hit solutions. In cases like these, if you are looking to get some professional services I would say a result oriented professional would be the way to go if possible.

It’s just too easy to fall for any kind of pitch and promises. Of course, a great thing to do too is to always consult the provider with say a friend as they will be the one with the clear head and can determine of the fees and service will make sense or not. Making it result oriented can ensure too that the person will want to make sure they do what they promised.

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