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Financial Management

It’s Not How Much You Make, It’s How You Spend It

While reading some topics about money and finance from a news site today, there was a section dedicated in allowing people to voice ways on how they manage their money. What caught my attention was a comment about someone who was earning around $30,000 to $35,000 a year and claimed that it is barely enough

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Making Money

$20,000 For Chinese Immigrant Head Tax Payers

This news was sure interesting and creating some controversy. Here in Canada a plan is currently being rolled out to compensate Chinese people who immigrated into Canada from 1885 to 1923. During those years, a head tax was imposed on all Chinese immigrants who wished to enter into Canada. The first fee structure was $50

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Self Discovery or Fear of Loss for Motivation

The main theme that I have been hearing from various individuals this week was how some people seem to take things for granted when they receive something financially rewarding or if they are offered a tremendous amount of support to get a business started. It boggled the mind on how you have to nag some

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Money Making Scams

Typical Discovered Funds Shenanigan

To start things off for this new section, here is a very common e-mail that I normally get where someone claims that they discovered some type of hidden wealth and require your assistants to claim it. Of course, they ask for your personal information to get things rolling. While it is tempting to e-mail people

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Money Making Scams

New Section

Everyday it seems like I encounter some kind of offer or claim that people can make some quick fast cash by doing something that seems ridiculously simple. Everywhere from my own e-mail box to seeing postings on the Internet, surprisingly there are actually a lot of people that get suckered into these types of money

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Maps To Find A Wealthy Mate

I was reading in the paper today about how the company has created a program that uses its real estate data files that is normally meant for users to determine say the value of a certain property to create maps that show where wealthy single men and women would hang around. Right now there

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