I thought this was an interesting story that happened recently that appeared to be generating a lot of business related topics. A huge YouTube creator called Mr Beast has a friend named Chris Tyson who has appeared in a lot of his videos and they have actually been real life friends since school apparently. Recently Chris Tyson decided to take hormone replacement therapy to become a female it seems and this has been generating a lot of controversy for the Mr. Beast business and brand.
Reason being is because if he doesn’t stick up for his friend then people will assume he worst of him as he only cares about money. But if he gets rid of his friend to avoid the controversy in hopes to just continue with business as usual then again people will condemn him for it. It literally is a no-win situation business wise. He has appeared to have come out in defense of his friend’s transition. But what would you do in this situation where someone on your team is clearly generating what is arguably the wrong kind of attention that can affect your business?
For example, take a simple scenario such as someone being very politically vocal to the point where it seems to be a distraction to your business as it is creating customer division. Would you simply take the person off a publicly visible role as an example for business sake or would you stick by your friend and hope for the best?