Anyone else read this story about Rogers Communication introducing a new plan to potentially get more people to use their cell phones as their home land lines as well? I know a lot of people are already using their cell phones as their primary home line to save money.
As stated on the article, you would need a high speed Internet access for this plan to work. I personally still use both as I would find it to be a little of a hassle having to charge up a cell phone to talk at home. The other reason is that I have routers at the house which sometimes interferes with the cell phone reception and using a traditional land line is the only real guarantee of reliability. In that case it still made sense to pay for a traditional phone line as well.
That is a nice thought being able to use just one phone for all from a residential point of view. I don’t think this would necessarily change the habits of people who run some sort of business activity though. Come to think of it, a lot of people I know have multiple phones/numbers for the sake organizing say work related calls, personal use and specific people for some kind of VIP contact.