
Giggle For Girls Lawsuit

Well, this was a fascinating read where in Australia apparently there is this app called “Giggle For Girls” that was intended to be a female only platform as it is supposed to provide a safe space of sort for women to share their thoughts. While niche businesses like these usually means you are alienating a

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Using AI For General Legal Advice or Not

While I don’t currently trust an AI program to replace a real human when it comes to getting advice or consultation about various topics, I did thought it would be fun to see how it actually analyzes things like contracts. For the most part, it seemed like it did an okay job mentioning about the

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Asking People You Know First or Post An Ad For Jobs

This got me thinking as today I saw a friend post a call out to everyone he knew as the company he worked for apparently needed workers and he figured someone may be interested. Now usually companies would simply advertise on job sites as an example as there should usually be a l lot of

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Actually Reading Contracts Before Signing

This seems so basic where whenever you are offered a contract of some sort you should try and take your time to learn what exactly you are signing as a lot of people often think of the rewards they can potentially get when things are perfect. However, as we all know things can go sour

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Always Following A Formula or Learning From It

There was an example recently of consumers who were really upset on why a company wasn’t catering to its customers that are spread across the world as they seemed to only hold events and functions around one specific region. From what I gather, the company seems to try and follow a specific formula where they

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When Professionals Shorten Their Life To Achieve Success

I was watching this interview today where a former professional wrestler was talking about how during his time a lot of wrestlers actually took steroids to help boost their physique in order to be more marketable in the business. The thing was the person recognized that it would have long-term health implications but decided to

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