America’s Cheapest Family
Financial Management

America’s Cheapest Family

I discovered this story today which revolves around a family of seven in the US who happens to live on a $35,000 a year income. It was kind of amazing to see how frugal they were when it comes to expenses such as the amount of coupons they use when shopping for groceries. You can see a video of it here:

Apparently they have a new book called America’s Cheapest Family as well. Something tells me that they are going to be making more than $35,000 a year after this journey. Will be kind of interesting to see if the book does become a success and if all that money somehow changes their current habits.


  • Minimum wage 10/7/2007

    My lame PC and dial-up connection can’t handle video, so I didn’t watch it, but I’m not sure I really get the coupon thing. I use coupons occasionally – sometimes the math works out – but not often.

    There are only about three “brand-name” grocery items I’m attached to, for everything else I tend to gravitate toward the lower priced items. I’m not sure of the point in using a 50-cent coupon on $1.59 brand name ketchup when the store brand is 78 cents.

  • Alan Yu 10/7/2007

    Minimum Wage,

    I took a sample screenshot from a section of the video on how many coupons they use during checkout to give you a glimpse of it:

    They also bargain hunt like crazy from what I see. For groceries in general, they look like they walk out with $300 worth of groceries for half the price.

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