I was listening to a school owner today who talked about training people to work in the entertainment business and one thing that was funny was how for the same types of jobs that he went out for as his former students there were many times that they actually won the job over them which actually made them very happy. It showed that the school actually did train people to be able to compete in the field and that should be a testament to the curriculum.
It’s an interesting thought since the school’s income primarily revolves around getting people to pay for classes. If someone is successful then they won’t really need to go back right? That’s how some schools approach their business where they want people not to be successful funny enough so that they keep going back. That should be a clear sign of who to choose if you were looking to invest in these types services.
It would be like comparing two doctors where one has a goal to get you living without the need to constantly visit for more drugs and surgery whereas the other wats to just keep treating your condition.