Thinking People Need The Same Tools That You Did
General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Thinking People Need The Same Tools That You Did

It’s almost back to school shopping for a lot of parents and usually on that list you would think of things such as books and backpacks. However, one tool that many kids are getting as they enter into high school is a cell phone. While that may seem common today, what was interesting is how a lot of parents today grew up in times where a cell phone was an extreme luxury. It didn’t have much function other than making phone calls. But with that mindset there were many parents who refused to get their child a cell phone based on the fact that they didn’t need one when they went through school.

That’s kind of a risky mindset to be in as you could be setting your child up to be left behind on the things that are required today. For example, I have heard there are even elementary schools that use tablets to help teach kids lessons where they will at least become proficient in using it. I know a lot of older generation parents that still have difficulty with basic computer skills and that is kind of unheard of for a child going to high school nowadays in North America. Imagine like there refusing to get a child a computer because back in the day for some they used only paper and pencils.

This type of scenario can also relate to doing business where many people say they didn’t need something to become successful and so they discourage others from using certain tools. But again, things aren’t exactly the same and you need to consider that.

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