Financial Management

Going To Different Store Locations For Manager Sales

Today reminded me why at times it can be a good habit to visit multiple stores of the same franchise if you are constantly looking for great deals. You would think they would all have the same weekly sale prices to the point where visiting one location is good enough right? But like today there

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Financial Management

Finding Better Deals Without Store Membership Fees

This was one of those funny days where I was inside a Costco store as the person I was with shopped there a lot and of course you have to pay a membership fee. While going through some aisles I was asked if I was interested in anything and I usually in these cases when

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Expecting Older Deals That No Longer Exist

Cell phone plans is often a category where I constantly hear stories of people phoning in retention lines multiple times to try and get a better deal as many people phone in knowing the plans that other people have which sounds like a great deal. In many cases though, those plans no longer exist and

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Financial Management

Ego Based Bartering For Deals Already There

It’s not uncommon for a lot of people to try and haggle down a price of an item to try and get the best value for your dollar. However, imagine a situation where the deal is already priced into the product accordingly, but the customer still feels it’s not a deal even if it’s priced

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Financial Management

Avoiding Imperfect Total Purchase Discounts

For one store I noticed that they frequently give out coupons where if you spend $50 they will in-turn give you $20 back worth of points. Usually in these cases I would literally have to find fillers in order to reach the threshold to take advantage of the offer. That’s where at times I can

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Financial Management

Pushing For Deals That Are Too Good or Not

There are a lot of undiscovered sales in supermarkets usually where the price of the item is so cheap that you have to assume it is an error of sort. For example, bags of candy that normally cost two dollars ring up for maybe two cents. Usually though this can be a result of the

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