Spending So Much Money And Resources Over A Squirrel And Raccoon
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Spending So Much Money And Resources Over A Squirrel And Raccoon

This has to be one of the most ridiculous things I read where it seems like in New York they spent so much money and resources to go after a man wo had a rescued squirrel and raccoon as a pet. These two animals became famous online and from what I gather the investigation originated from an anonymous complaint. It was basically handled as if it was a raid on a terrorist threat or large drug operation. Of course, there was huge backlash over this and I just had to wonder is this as situation where when people feel they have all the money in the world they tend to waste it on anything?

Like here, whoever is in charge is managing tax payer money versus their own where I can imagine one is more care free. Even without the money it should be common sense that this is ridiculous. But I thought it’s a great example on how wasteful people are financially when they are just given money to use versus them actually earning it and knowing they will have nothing left in the bank if they misspend it.

As well, it sure shows you that some people just live to try and cause misery to others huh? It’s something you need to prepare for whenever you achieve a certain level of success.

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