Saying It Is Family Owned And Operated

Saying It Is Family Owned And Operated

This was an interesting topic that came up today on how while a large chunk of small businesses here are family owned and operated it seems like only a few actually advertise this to their customers. I know for myself when I see people advertise that I usually in some bias way assume that the business may be a bit more trustworthy or that they will provide more quality and attention to your needs.

I was just trying to think why people wouldn’t advertise this point if it held true to them and the main reason I could think of is that a lot of people consider it more as gloating and therefore they only want to do it if their business is saying pulling six figures a month. It’s almost like parents wanting to brag about how good their kids are where they only want to say it if they made it big time. Other than that I suppose it is more about if the nature of the business is too controversial or not.

Again, this is one of those simple things that can probably give you more of an ability to attract customers that not everyone takes advantage of too I say.

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