Quickly Determining How One Is Valued To A Business
General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Quickly Determining How One Is Valued To A Business

This got me thinking as it is a common story in a work environment where people have the mindset that everyone is equal and that if they just work long enough they will eventually move up the ladder. However, that is often not the case. I remember one example where a lady was working as a customer service worker where she has been there long enough to know how to do the job very well and should be next in lime for say a promotion to a manager. However, the first opportunity that came up for a promotion she was skipped for it as someone else got it. Despite that, the company was telling her how much they valued her and she kept at it.

The second time another opportunity came up she was skipped again. In this case, it was given to a person who worked there for less time. The reason for this from what I saw was that the person was good friends with the assistant store manger who really pushed for him. As you can imagine, she had enough after that. It’s kind of an important thin to think about and evaluate as you could be wasting years of your professional career with a company that just views you as a number to maintain its business. This is versus helping one grow into bigger and better things.

While patience is definitely a thing, it’s just been from my experience where if you are truly valued you will be given pretty much the opportunities and attention almost immediately. That’s not to say like here you will be given say a promotion from day one. But you can usually see the company going out of its way to give you information and opportunities to grow where you don’t even have to ask.

It’s actually probably no different than that saying of relationships. If someone is always making excuses that they have no time to be with one person but magically always has time for others I think most would agree you would be wasting your time with them. Or the common quote for this is saying He/She is not that into you. It’s the same thing in many ways when working professionally with a company.

Like with the relationship example, in that situation most people would just immediately classify the person as a friend and look elsewhere for something more serious. For the business example that could mean you should strictly keep it professional and as a way to earn money while always being on the lookout for opportunities elsewhere. Because again, it should be evident quickly if a company is truly invested in you.

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