Well, there was a lot of news here recently about a case of Bird Flu which is supposed to be rare. However, it seems to be in the news a lot to the point where people are getting scared. Just today I was walking and this bird just flew full speed into a building where it seemed like it passed away as a result. As people gathered to see what happened one lady approached it and the man told her to stay away because o the bird flu that is going around.
Again, it’s supposed to be rare but you can’t help to wonder if there will be a potential scare again to the point where it’s best to prepare now. Based on last time I personally already have everything prepared business wise to work remotely as an example. The only real thing to do otherwise is potentially stock up on more canned goods as an example or maybe even the toilet paper as you all saw the craze last time.
For me currently though I am not too paranoid about it currently and will simply proceed with caution to be business as usual.