So I was watching that new TV show Kitchen Nightmare yesterday. For those who don’t know, the show is basically about the famous chef Gordon Ramsey and how he has about one week to see if he can turn a disastrous restaurant business into something great and profitable.
I always like these types of shows because as I mentioned before I think they give you a good insight on the obstacles and challenges in running a business. This first episode was particularly interesting from a financial point of view I thought. One of the co-owners of the restaurant seemed like he was more concerned about spending company revenue on luxurious items for himself such as a fancy car. At the same time his restaurant’s kitchen was a disaster as the equipment was all old and broken down.
That isn’t a too far fetched scenario for a lot of people as well when you think about it from a personal point of view. For example, spending money on non essentials first as oppose to thinking if you could use that to further enhance your financial situation.
Overall I thought it was very entertaining and educational at the same time. I’ll definitely keep in tune with this one.
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