Keep Working After A Financial Windfall
Financial Management

Keep Working After A Financial Windfall

I was reading some interesting pieces today that talked about people that were able to quit heir jobs after making it big in unexpected ways such as winning the lottery or investing in a stock that just happened to make them instant millionaires. The stories about the stock investors were interesting as apparently for some they figured since they made it big once they can now just retire and repeat the cycle. That isn’t how it works of course as they started to experience the inconsistencies where one day they could make money and the other day they could lose a lot. As a result of not having consistent income their funds were drying up to the point where they may have to find a traditional job.

I was thinking for myself, I have personally always enjoyed the types of work I have done for the most part to the point where even if I did say win a million dollars I would probably still keep working. It would have to come down to other factors such as feeling I need to explore new challenges for personal growth or there are other opportunities that may be a better fit.

I still remember even when working at a McDonalds as a teenager there was a lady who by all means was wealthy enough to retire yet she insisted in working there while getting her kids to work there for experience as well. That showed me early on too where wealthy people don’t just say stop once they reach a comfortable financial goal as they tend to want to keep doing things. It must be a good way to remind you to stay grounded as well versus simply spending while believing it will never run out.

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