I thought this was funny to think about where it’s not uncommon for a business owner to work twelve plus hours a day and consider that normal whereas an employee would feel that is crazy. But recently I was working with a new person and he expressed that because of some changes I should expect things to be initially slower which will then pick up. To me slow would normally mean maybe a project every two weeks. However, this guy was alerting me on projects at least twice a week thus far and I just found that such a crazy difference on what he considers slow. His version of “normal” must be like five different projects each week or something.
That’s a good thing I suppose, but again it’s a great example in terms of the difference in mentality one has when it comes to work. You don’t have to always work as much to achieve the same result, but it makes you think whenever people complain something is too much just to have someone else look at that as if it is nothing. It probably rubs off on you too depending on which group you associate with often as it can easily encourage you to be like them.