This was a funny scenario as usually when you need some kind o tool for the job which you don’t appear to have right in-front of you people will be inclined to go spend money to buy one. Today I got a message from a person asking if he could borrow a tripod from me as he decided needed to do some filming. I didn’t read the message until a bit later and when I did inform them that I could lend them one.
They then sent a message on how they found a selfie stick in the closet which they thought should work and I mentioned how it should do fine. Like there, if he didn’t bother to look or had a person to contact like myself he would have likely went out and bought one. That happens a lot and it’s a good example too how many times we actually accumulated a lot of different tools and resources that were simply thrown in the box after that one time where you needed it.
I suppose it does show how investing in a good tool storage with proper labels may actually help you to save money as well.